Philodendron Jungle Boogie
The Philodendron Jungle Boogie is for sale at Plant Vault, an exotic plant that is prized for its lush, vibrant foliage and striking, unique appearance. This rare houseplant features large, glossy, leaves with beautiful variegation in varying shades of green, often accented by light yellow or cream streaks and spots. Native to the tropical rainforests of South America, the Philodendron Jungle Boogie thrives in shaded, humid environments, making it an excellent choice for indoor spaces.
Care Guide:
The Philodendron Jungle Boogie is an easy-care rare plant that thrives in moderate to low, indirect light. It prefers slightly moist soil but should be allowed to dry out a little between waterings. Higher humidity is beneficial, so placing it in a more humid environment or using a humidifier will help it thrive. For optimal growth, we recommend using trace amounts of balanced fertilizer at every watering. With minimal care, the Philodendron Jungle Boogie will reward you with its vibrant, variegated foliage and lively, tropical beauty.